Scientific Papers
If you can’t download any of these documents on the links below then please email at us info@bitternsinrice.com.au for a copy.
Herring, M.W., Garnett, S.T. Zander, K.K. (2022) Producing rice while conserving the habitat of an endangered waterbird: incentives for farmers to integrate water management. Land Use Policy. 120: 106269.
Herring, M.W., Garnett, S.T. Zander, K.K. (2022) From boutique to mainstream: Upscaling wildlife-friendly farming through consumer premiums. Conservation Science & Practice. e12730.
Herring, M.W., Robinson, W., Zander, K.K., Garnett, S.T. (2021) Increasing water-use efficiency in rice fields threatens an endangered waterbird. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 322: 107638.
Herring, M.W., Robinson, W., Zander, K.K. and Garnett, S.T. (2019) Rice fields support the global stronghold for an endangered waterbird. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 284.
Herring, M. & Silcocks, A. (2014) The use of rice fields by the endangered Australian Painted Snipe (Rostratula australis): a rare opportunity to combine food production and conservation? Stilt 66: 20–29.

Booklets and Articles
Herring, M.W. (2022) Saving the Endangered Australasian Bittern_A guide to wetland management and bittern-friendly rice farming Riverina Local Land Services, Griffith, New South Wales.
Herring, M.W. (2016) Bitterns in Rice Project 2012-2016 summary booklet, Bitterns in Rice Project, New South Wales.
Herring, M.W., Veltheim, I., Silcocks, A. (2016). Robbie’s gone a roaming, Australian Birdlife.